Corporate governance aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of organizations and provides the company with a stable base from which to carry out its work with clearly defined roles and authorities and through the necessary checks and balances. Therefore, corporate governance is a practical business tool and an essential and integral component of successful business practices. The ineffectiveness of the board of directors and the absence of internal or external audit policies and controls are factors that continuously contribute to increasing the risk of failure. We at Esnad Advisory company prepare and develop corporate governance framework in all companies and institutions according to modern principles and concepts and in line with the requirements of regulations, legislation and controls issued in this regard. Among the services provided are the following:
– Building the entire governance framework.
– Building the efficient org structure.
– Developing delegation of authorities.
– Building committees governance framework.
– Developing governance policies.
– Developing polices and procedures.
Risk management is the process of measuring and evaluating risks and developing strategies for managing them, as well as defining the strategy to be followed to manage and monitor future risks. The risk management services in Esnad Advisory Company include many services, including:
– Develop the risk framework.
– Develop risk management policies.
– Develop risk strategy.
– Build and assess the risk registers.
– Develop risk appetite.
– Develop funds risk management polices.
We at Esnad Advisory Company aim to develop a policy with specific parameters to face expected losses or limit the occurrence of these losses to preserve the interests of the company or institution and its ability to achieve its strategic and operational objectives and perform its required tasks.
Investment funds aim to achieve the goals and requirements of investors, and commensurate with the levels of risk acceptable to them. Based on the objectives of each fund, investment strategies are followed to achieve them. Therefore, the securities that constitute the assets of these funds differ according to their different objectives.
Investment in funds allows for diversification and gives greater flexibility than direct investment, which gives a greater opportunity to reduce investment risks because of the diversity of securities owned by the fund, and investment funds allow investors to diversify and distribute investments in a systematic way across a wider range of assets, geographical regions and different industries to reduce Risks of concentration of assets and benefit from varying returns.
We at Esnad Advisory Company develop and restructure funds according to the foundations and standards and in line with the requirements of regulations, legislation and controls issued in this regard, due to the company’s highly experienced team in managing and structuring investment funds.
The Department of Compliance and Combating Money Laundering is essential in financial companies, as it is not possible to establish a financial company and accept the license application by the Capital Market Authority except with the presence of this section, where compliance and combating money laundering and terrorist financing increase the internal systems and the control environment of financial Companies.
Esnad Advisory Company provides a compliance service as an external party to financial companies, due to the company’s own experienced team in the field. The services provided are summarized as follows:
– Determining, evaluating, providing advice, monitoring and reporting on the extent to which the financial companies in the market adheres to the regulatory requirements for securities on an ongoing basis.
– Reviewing and approving all new and existing products to ensure that they meet the regulatory requirements.
– Ensuring receipt of all laws, regulations and circulars issued by the supervisory authorities and following up on all the company’s departments in their implementation.
– Monitoring compliance with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws, regulations and rules.
– Developing compliance and AML policies.
– Developing KYC and KYC Mentoring.
– Moc regulatory inspection.
– Registration of employees with the Capital Market Authority.
Investors need to obtain the required licenses to operate in a regulatory environment by applying to the related regulator such as Capital Market Authority, Central Bank, Ministry of communications and all other regulatory bodies. We at Esnad Advisory Company handle the license file on behalf of the client by preparing the documents required by the regulated, including the following:
– Fill out the forms required.
– Preparing a Market Study.
– Preparing a business plan based on the applicant’s activity.
– Preparing the financial modelling for the first twelve months and for the next five years.
– Ensure that the required documents are available and communicate with the authorities.
– Registration of employees with the Authority.
– Follow-up to work with the applicant to extract the company’s founding contracts.
– Follow-up with the regulatory authority until obtaining the activity practice letter.
– assisting the investors in obtain the work and visit visa.
Esnad Advisory Company has extensive experience in the field of issuing licenses, as it is considered a leader in the financial market in this field. It has also taken over the management of many files of companies licensed.
Internal audit is defined as a group of processes that review all work reports within the company or institution and review data and records in an accurate manner through experts in review and audit, relying on a set of methods, means and procedures that aim to protect the company’s assets and funds, and ensure implementation of the policies and administrative plans drawn up to achieve the desired objectives.
Internal control and auditing systems are not limited to accounting and financial aspects only, but also extend to include administrative, technical and organizational activities.
The audit aims primarily to serve the administration in achieving its objectives. Through internal audit, all financial and administrative operations in the project are reviewed for the purpose of assisting the administration in achieving the maximum possible production efficiency.
Without internal audit, companies and institutions will suffer greatly due to the absence of a good and effective supervisory role. Without controls, this increases the rate of committing mistakes and illegal acts, which the more they are committed, the more prevents companies and institutions from achieving their goals and aspirations.
At Esnad Advisory Company, we have experts in reviewing and auditing who provide a distinguished service to companies and institutions to help you reach your goals and aspirations.
دراسة الجدوى هي المحدد الرئيسي للبدء بالمشروع حيث تحدد للمستثمر جدوى المشروع وتغطي العديد من الجوانب كالعائد المتوقع للمستثمر والاقتصاد العام والمؤثرات الخارجية كقوانين الدولة والقطاع. ودراسة الجدوى المبنية على التحليلات المنهجية والكمية بشكل مفصل سواء لبدء مشروع جديد او توسع لمشاريع قائمة يؤدي الى تقليل مخاطر المشروع والمخاطر السوقية وبالتالي ضمان زيادة القيمة الكلية لثروة المستثمرين.
وللقيام بعمل دراسة جدوى للمشاريع تقوم شركة اسناد المالية بعمل الدراسة بالجوانب التالية:
-دراسة الجدوى الفنية.
-دراسة الجدوى الاقتصادية.
-دراسة الجدوى المالية.
-تحليل الجدوى المالية وحساسية المشروع.
بناء على خبرات فريق العمل نسعى نحن في شركة اسناد المالية الى تقديم المعلومات المالية والسوقية بناء على التغيرات المصاحبة لوقت انشاء المشروع وذلك لضمان اتخاذ المستثمر القرار الامثل لزيادة راس المال.
Corporate governance aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of organizations and provides the company with a stable base from which to carry out its work with clearly defined roles and authorities and through the necessary checks and balances. Therefore, corporate governance is a practical business tool and an essential and integral component of successful business practices. The ineffectiveness of the board of directors and the absence of internal or external audit policies and controls are factors that continuously contribute to increasing the risk of failure. We at Esnad Advisory company prepare and develop corporate governance framework in all companies and institutions according to modern principles and concepts and in line with the requirements of regulations, legislation and controls issued in this regard. Among the services provided are the following:
– Building the entire governance framework.
– Building the efficient org structure.
– Developing delegation of authorities.
– Building committees governance framework.
– Developing governance policies.
– Developing polices and procedures.
Risk management is the process of measuring and evaluating risks and developing strategies for managing them, as well as defining the strategy to be followed to manage and monitor future risks. The risk management services in Esnad Advisory Company include many services, including:
– Develop the risk framework.
– Develop risk management policies.
– Develop risk strategy.
– Build and assess the risk registers.
– Develop risk appetite.
– Develop funds risk management polices.
We at Esnad Advisory Company aim to develop a policy with specific parameters to face expected losses or limit the occurrence of these losses to preserve the interests of the company or institution and its ability to achieve its strategic and operational objectives and perform its required tasks.
Investment funds aim to achieve the goals and requirements of investors, and commensurate with the levels of risk acceptable to them. Based on the objectives of each fund, investment strategies are followed to achieve them. Therefore, the securities that constitute the assets of these funds differ according to their different objectives.
Investment in funds allows for diversification and gives greater flexibility than direct investment, which gives a greater opportunity to reduce investment risks because of the diversity of securities owned by the fund, and investment funds allow investors to diversify and distribute investments in a systematic way across a wider range of assets, geographical regions and different industries to reduce Risks of concentration of assets and benefit from varying returns.
We at Esnad Advisory Company develop and restructure funds according to the foundations and standards and in line with the requirements of regulations, legislation and controls issued in this regard, due to the company’s highly experienced team in managing and structuring investment funds.
The Department of Compliance and Combating Money Laundering is essential in financial companies, as it is not possible to establish a financial company and accept the license application by the Capital Market Authority except with the presence of this section, where compliance and combating money laundering and terrorist financing increase the internal systems and the control environment of financial Companies.
Esnad Advisory Company provides a compliance service as an external party to financial companies, due to the company’s own experienced team in the field. The services provided are summarized as follows:
– Determining, evaluating, providing advice, monitoring and reporting on the extent to which the financial companies in the market adheres to the regulatory requirements for securities on an ongoing basis.
– Reviewing and approving all new and existing products to ensure that they meet the regulatory requirements.
– Ensuring receipt of all laws, regulations and circulars issued by the supervisory authorities and following up on all the company’s departments in their implementation.
– Monitoring compliance with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws, regulations and rules.
– Developing compliance and AML policies.
– Developing KYC and KYC Mentoring.
– Moc regulatory inspection.
– Registration of employees with the Capital Market Authority.
Investors need to obtain the required licenses to operate in a regulatory environment by applying to the related regulator such as Capital Market Authority, Central Bank, Ministry of communications and all other regulatory bodies. We at Esnad Advisory Company handle the license file on behalf of the client by preparing the documents required by the regulated, including the following:
– Fill out the forms required.
– Preparing a Market Study.
– Preparing a business plan based on the applicant’s activity.
– Preparing the financial modelling for the first twelve months and for the next five years.
– Ensure that the required documents are available and communicate with the authorities.
– Registration of employees with the Authority.
– Follow-up to work with the applicant to extract the company’s founding contracts.
– Follow-up with the regulatory authority until obtaining the activity practice letter.
– assisting the investors in obtain the work and visit visa.
Esnad Advisory Company has extensive experience in the field of issuing licenses, as it is considered a leader in the financial market in this field. It has also taken over the management of many files of companies licensed.
Internal audit is defined as a group of processes that review all work reports within the company or institution and review data and records in an accurate manner through experts in review and audit, relying on a set of methods, means and procedures that aim to protect the company’s assets and funds, and ensure implementation of the policies and administrative plans drawn up to achieve the desired objectives.
Internal control and auditing systems are not limited to accounting and financial aspects only, but also extend to include administrative, technical and organizational activities.
The audit aims primarily to serve the administration in achieving its objectives. Through internal audit, all financial and administrative operations in the project are reviewed for the purpose of assisting the administration in achieving the maximum possible production efficiency.
Without internal audit, companies and institutions will suffer greatly due to the absence of a good and effective supervisory role. Without controls, this increases the rate of committing mistakes and illegal acts, which the more they are committed, the more prevents companies and institutions from achieving their goals and aspirations.
At Esnad Advisory Company, we have experts in reviewing and auditing who provide a distinguished service to companies and institutions to help you reach your goals and aspirations.