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About Esnad

A limited liability company based in Riyadh with a capital of one Million Saudi Riyals. The company holds a license from the Capital Market Authority No (19206-20) on 01/11/1441 corresponding to 01/09/2019. to provide advisory services in stock business. starting business after fulfilling all the conditions necessary to practice the activity on 06/09/1441 corresponding to 03/02/2020 and registered in Commercial Register No (1010575421) and Unified number (7008921160). The company has the arrangement activity after obtaining the authority’s approval to amend its business lists on 06/04/2024 AD.

Our Services
Governance Services

Corporate governance aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of organizations and provides the company with a stable base from which to carry out its work with clearly defined roles and authorities and through the necessary checks and balances. Therefore, corporate governance is a practical business tool…

Risk Management

Risk management is the process of measuring and evaluating risks and developing strategies for managing them, as well as defining the strategy to be followed to manage and monitor future risks. The risk management services in Esnad Advisory Company include many services, including develop the risk framework & develop risk management policies…

Funds development and structuring

Investment funds aim to achieve the goals and requirements of investors, and commensurate with the levels of risk acceptable to them. Based on the objectives of each fund, investment strategies are followed to achieve them, so the financial stocks that make up the assets of these funds differ according to their different objectives…

Compliance Services

The Department of Compliance and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing is essential in financial companies, as it is not possible to establish a financial company and accept a license application by the Capital Market Authority except with the presence of this section, where compliance and commitment and combating money laundering…

Licensing Services

Investors in the Saudi stock market need to obtain the required licenses to operate in a regulatory environment by applying to the Capital Market Authority. We at Esnad Advisory Company handle the license file and operation on behalf of the client by preparing documents required by the Capital Market Authority…

Internal Audit

Without internal audit, companies will suffer greatly due to the absence of effective supervisory role. Without controls, this increases the rate of committing mistakes, which the more they are committed, the more prevents companies from achieving their goals and aspirations. At Esnad Advisory Company, we have experts in internal auditing who provide…

خدمات المطابقة والالتزام

يعد قسم المطابقة والالتزام ومكافحة غسيل الاموال وتمويل الارهاب اساسيا في الشركات المالية حيث انه لا يمكن تأسيس شركة مالية وقبول طلب الترخيص من قبل هيئة السوق المالية الا بوجود هذا القسم حيث تزيد المطابقة والالتزام ومكافحة غسيل الاموال وتمويل…

خدمات التراخيص

يحتاج المستثمرون في السوق المالية السعودي الى الحصول على الرخص المطلوبة لممارسة العمل في بيئة تنظيمية عن طريق تقديم طلب الى هيئة السوق المالية. نقوم نحن بشركة اسناد المالية بتولي ملف الرخصة بالنيابة عن العميل وذلك عن طريق اعداد المستندات…

دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية

دراسة الجدوى هي المحدد الرئيسي للبدء بالمشروع حيث تحدد للمستثمر جدوى المشروع وتغطي العديد من الجوانب كالعائد المتوقع للمستثمر والاقتصاد العام والمؤثرات الخارجية كقوانين الدولة والقطاع. ودراسة الجدوى المبنية على التحليلات المنهجية والكمية…

Esnad Advisory Company
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